# Table (legacy)

Pass an object of headers & data to build a slot-able table.

Name ID Enabled actions
Basic Auth517526354743085true
Website Desktop328027447731198false
Android App405383051040955true
  <KTableLegacy :options="tableOptions" />
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      tableOptions: {
        headers: [
          { label: 'Name', key: 'name' },
          { label: 'ID', key: 'id' },
          { label: 'Enabled', key: 'enabled' },
          { key: 'actions', hideLabel: true }
        data: [
            name: 'Basic Auth',
            id: '517526354743085',
            enabled: 'true'
            name: 'Website Desktop',
            id: '328027447731198',
            enabled: 'false'
            name: 'Android App',
            id: '405383051040955',
            enabled: 'true'

# Props

# Hover

Highlight the table row on hover. By default this is set to true. In the example we can set it to false as well.

Name ID Enabled actions
Basic Auth517526354743085true
Website Desktop328027447731198false
Android App405383051040955true
  :hasHover="false" />

# Small

Lessen the table cell padding

Name ID Enabled actions
Basic Auth517526354743085true
Website Desktop328027447731198false
Android App405383051040955true
  isSmall />

# Clickable

Adds cursor: pointer and user-select: none styling.

Name ID Enabled actions
Basic Auth517526354743085true
Website Desktop328027447731198false
Android App405383051040955true
  isClickable />

# hasSideBorder

Adds left border to each table row. By default set to true. The colors can be overridden by themes. The below example demonstrates the disabled state:

Name ID Enabled Theme Colors actions
Basic Auth517526354743085true[]
Website Desktop328027447731198false[ "blue", "violet" ]
Android App405383051040955true[ "green", "yellow" ]

# Row Attributes

Add custom properties to individual rows. The row object is passed as a param.

rowAttrs - Function that returns an object comprising the attributes.

Type Value Enabled
desktopWindows 10true
import { defaultSorter } from '@kongponents/KTableLegacy'
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      row: null,
      eventType: '',
      tableOptions: {
        headers: [
          { label: 'Type', key: 'type' },
          { label: 'Value', key: 'value' },
          { label: 'Enabled', key: 'enabled'}
        data: [
            type: 'desktop',
            value: 'Windows 10',
            enabled: 'true'
            type: 'phone',
            value: 'LineageOS',
            enabled: 'false'
            type: 'tablet',
            value: 'ipadOS',
            enabled: 'true'
  methods: {
    rowAttrsFn (rowItem) {
      return {
        class: {
          'enabled': rowItem.enabled === 'true',
          'disabled': rowItem.enabled === 'false'
        'data-testid': 'row-item'
.k-table {
  tr.enabled {
    --KTableLegacyHover: var(--green-200, #ccffe1);
    --KTableLegacyBorder: var(--green-400, #19a654);

  tr.disabled {
    --KTableLegacyHover: var(--yellow-100, #fff9e6);
    --KTableLegacyBorder: var(--yellow-200, #ffdc73);

# Cell Attributes

Add custom properties to individual table cells or groups of cells. The cell attributes object is passed as a param.

cellAttrs - A function that returns an object comprising the attributes.

# Parameters

Parameter Description
headerKey The header key of the column containing the cell
row The contents of the row containing the cell
rowIndex The zero-based index of the row containing the cell
colIndex The zero-based index of the cell within a row
Name Company Description
SageMakerAmazonAmazon SageMaker is a fully-managed service that enables developers and data scientists to quickly and easily build, train, and deploy machine learning models at any scale. Amazon SageMaker removes all the barriers that typically slow down developers who want to use machine learning.
Azure Machine Learning StudioMicrosoftAzure Machine Learning Studio is a GUI-based integrated development environment for constructing and operationalizing Machine Learning workflow on Azure.
IBM Watson Machine LearningIBMIBM Watson Studio accelerates the machine and deep learning workflows required to infuse AI into your business to drive innovation.
TensorFlowGoogleTensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs.
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      row: null,
      eventType: '',
      tableOptions: {
        headers: [
          { label: 'Name', key: 'name' },
          { label: 'Company', key: 'company' },
          { label: 'Description', key: 'description' }
        data: [
            name: 'SageMaker',
            company: 'Amazon',
            description: 'Amazon SageMaker is a fully-managed service that enables developers and data scientists to quickly and easily build, train, and deploy machine learning models at any scale. Amazon SageMaker removes all the barriers that typically slow down developers who want to use machine learning.',
            name: 'Azure Machine Learning Studio',
            company: 'Microsoft',
            description: 'Azure Machine Learning Studio is a GUI-based integrated development environment for constructing and operationalizing Machine Learning workflow on Azure.',
            name: 'IBM Watson Machine Learning',
            company: 'IBM',
            description: 'IBM Watson Studio accelerates the machine and deep learning workflows required to infuse AI into your business to drive innovation.',
            name: 'TensorFlow',
            company: 'Google',
            description: 'TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs.',
  methods: {
    cellAttrsFn ({ headerKey, row, rowIndex, colIndex }) {
       * Sets cell background color based on data returned in
       * the row parameter and the index of the cell
      const backgroundColor = () => {
        if (row.company && row.company === 'Google') {
          if (colIndex === 0) {
            return '#4285F4'
          } else if (colIndex === 1) {
            return '#DB4437'
          } else {
            return '#F4B400'

        return ''

       * Returns an object of attributes to be applied to cells
      return {
        class: {
          'truncate': headerKey === 'description' || headerKey === 'name',
        'datatest-id': `row-${rowIndex + 1}-col-${headerKey}`,
        style: {
          'maxWidth': headerKey==='description' ? '50ch' : headerKey === 'name' ? '22ch' : '25ch',
          'backgroundColor': backgroundColor(),

# Events

Bind any DOM events to various parts of the table. We support events on both table rows and cells in addition to click elements inside a row (ie. buttons or hyperlinks) without triggering the a row or cell event. You can also add logic to check for metakey to support cmd/ctrl when clicking. Examples highlighted below.

# Rows

@row:<event> - returns the Event, the row item, and the type: row

<KTableLegacy @row:click="rowHandler" @row:dblclick="rowHandler">
Company actions
Creative Labs





  <template v-slot:company="{rowValue}">
    <a v-if="rowValue" @click="linkHander">{{rowValue.label}}</a>
    <span v-else>{{rowValue}}</span>
  <template v-slot:actions>
    <div class="float-right">
        Visit Website
import { defaultSorter } from '@kongponents/KTableLegacy'
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      row: null,
      eventType: '',
      tableOptions: {
        headers: [
          { label: 'Company', key: 'company' }
        data: [
          { company: { href: 'http://www.creative.com', label: 'Creative Labs' } },
          { company: { href: 'http://www.bang-olufsen.com', label: 'Bang &Olufsen' } },
          { company: { href: 'http://www.klipsch.com', label: 'Klipsch' } },
          { company: { href: 'http://www.bose.com', label: 'Bose'} },
          { company: { href: 'http://www.sennheiser.com', label: 'Sennheiser'} }
  methods: {
    handleRowClick(e, row) {
      const metaKeyPressed = e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey

      if (metaKeyPressed) {
        return window.open(row.company.href)
      } else {
        window.location = row.company.href
    linkHander (e) {
      alert('a link was clicked')
    buttonHandler (e) {
      alert('a button was pressed')

# Cells

@cell:<event> - returns the Event, the cell value, and the type: cell

<KTableLegacy @cell:mouseout="cellHandler" @cell:mousedown="cellHandler">
Name ID Enabled Theme Colors actions
Basic Auth517526354743085true[]
Website Desktop328027447731198false[ "blue", "violet" ]
Android App405383051040955true[ "green", "yellow" ]

# Example

    <div v-if="eventType">
      {{eventType}} on: {{row}}
    <div v-else>Waiting</div>
    <template v-slot:body>
      <div v-if="eventType">
        {{eventType}} on: {{row}}
      <div v-else>Waiting</div>
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      row: null,
      eventType: ''
  methods: {
    actionRow (e, row, type) {
      this.eventType = e.type
      this.row = row

# Sorting

@sort - returns header key that was clicked and current sortOrder.

There are two props used to make the table sortable; sortOrder, which is either 'ascending' or 'descending' and sortKey, which tells the table which column is currently being sorted. If a sortKey exists, then clicking the table header will emit an Event called sort which must be handled by the parent component to implement the actual sorting logic. A basic implementation of sort called defaultSorter is included in KTableLegacy and can be imported separately and used with a helper function in the parent. Once a table column with sortable is read, that column header will become clickable. An arrow then appears beside the table header, the state of the arrow depending on the sortOrder. In the following example, the defaultSorter from KTableLegacy is being imported, and the table is able to be sorted by any of the three columns by clicking on the headers.

Name ID Enabled Theme Colors actions
Basic Auth517526354743085true[]
Website Desktop328027447731198false[ "blue", "violet" ]
Android App405383051040955true[ "green", "yellow" ]
  * @param {String} key - the current key to sort by
  * @param {String} previousKey - the previous key used to sort by
  * @param {String} sortOrder - either ascending or descending
  * @param {Array} items - the list of items to sort
  * @return {Object} an object containing the previousKey and sortOrder
import { defaultSorter } from '@kongponents/KTableLegacy'
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      row: null,
      eventType: '',
      sortOrder: 'ascending',
      sortKey: 'name',
      tableOptions: {
        headers: [
          { label: 'Name', key: 'name', sortable: true },
          { label: 'ID', key: 'id', sortable: true },
          { label: 'Enabled', key: 'enabled', sortable: true },
          { label: 'Theme Colors', key: 'themeColors', sortable: true },
          { key: 'actions', hideLabel: true }
        data: [
            name: 'Basic Auth',
            id: '517526354743085',
            enabled: 'true',
            themeColors: []
            name: 'Website Desktop',
            id: '328027447731198',
            enabled: 'false',
            themeColors: ['blue','violet']
            name: 'Android App',
            id: '405383051040955',
            enabled: 'true',
            themeColors: ['green', 'yellow']
  methods: {
    sortFieldHelper (key) {
      const {previousKey, sortOrder } = this.defaultSorter(key, this.sortKey, this.sortOrder, this.tableOptions.data)
      this.sortKey = previousKey
      this.sortOrder = sortOrder

# Slots

Both column cells & header cells are slottable in KTableLegacy. Use slots to gain access to the row data.

  • column-{column-key} - Will slot the header cell
  • {column-key} - Will slot the column cell of a given row

# Column Header

NAME ID Enabled actions
Basic Auth517526354743085true
Website Desktop328027447731198false
Android App405383051040955true
  <KTableLegacy :options="tableOptions">
    <!-- Slot column header "name" -->
    <template v-slot:column-name="{ column }">
      {{ column.label.toUpperCase() }}
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      tableOptions: {
        headers: [
          { label: 'Name', key: 'name' },
          { label: 'ID', key: 'id' },
          { label: 'Enabled', key: 'enabled' },
          { key: 'actions', hideLabel: true }
        data: [
            name: 'Basic Auth',
            id: '517526354743085',
            enabled: 'true'
            name: 'Website Desktop',
            id: '328027447731198',
            enabled: 'false'
            name: 'Android App',
            id: '405383051040955',
            enabled: 'true'

# Column Cell

Name ID Enabled actions
Basic Auth517526354743085
Website Desktop328027447731198
Android App405383051040955
  <KTableLegacy :options="tableOptions">
    <!-- Slot each "enabled" cell in each row & add icon if matching value -->
    <template v-slot:enabled="{rowValue}">
      <span v-if="rowValue" style="color: green">&#10003;</span>
      <span v-else style="color: red">&#10007;</span>
    <!-- Slot each "actions" cell in each row & link -->
    <template v-slot:actions><a href="">Edit</a></template>
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      tableOptions: {
        headers: [
          { label: 'Name', key: 'name' },
          { label: 'ID', key: 'id' },
          { label: 'Enabled', key: 'enabled' },
          { key: 'actions', hideLabel: true }
        data: [
            name: 'Basic Auth',
            id: '517526354743085',
            enabled: true
            name: 'Website Desktop',
            id: '328027447731198',
            enabled: false
            name: 'Android App',
            id: '405383051040955',
            enabled: 'true'

# Theming

Variable Purpose
--KTableLegacyBorder Sets cell border color
--KTableLegacyColor Font color
--KTableLegacyHover Hover variant background color
--KTableLegacyHeaderSize Font size of header th

An Example of changing the hover background might look like.

Name ID Enabled actions
Basic Auth517526354743085true
Website Desktop328027447731198false
Android App405383051040955true
    hasHover />

:root {
  --KTableLegacyHover: lavender;